Accelerate Your Agile And DevOps Journey With Continuous Testing


Diego Lo Giudice – Vice President & Principal Analyst at Forrester Research
Christi Liebe – Global Chief Information Officer at Omni Logistics
Pradeep Govindasamy – CTO & President at Cigniti Technologies


The implementation and success of digital offerings are pivotal to the success of enterprises’ business growth. In the path to Agile and DevOps success, organizations need to ensure that all components of their IT processes adapt quickly and effectively. How IT leaders choose to future-proof their software testing capabilities has a critical impact on the efficiency and strength of their IT transformations.

Firms need to stay ahead of business outcomes by being mindful of the approach and providers that enable them to optimize and accelerate their testing capabilities. Attend the session to understand how your peers are adapting their testing strategy and implementation to current Agile and DevOps needs, how to optimize partnerships, and how to navigate upcoming challenges in an age of speed and quality.

Key Takeaways:

  • Key findings from a targeted Forrester study involving 100 IT decision-makers in the US and UK.
  • Leading views on achieving the balance between quality and speed.
  • To address the software testing challenges that hinder your digital acceleration.

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