Cigniti participated in the Tweet Chat hosted by 20:20 MSL on “What does 2014 hold for the Tech industry?”

Cigniti participated in the Tweet Chat that was hosted by 20:20 MSL on what does 2014 hold for the Tech industry. Cigniti’s AVP Marketing Sairam Vedam (@saivram) shared his views in the session.

The theme for Cigniti was biggest game changer in enterprise tech.

What are your predictions for 2014 for #IndependentSoftwareTesting?


2014 will see a paradigm shift in testing industry


will gain momentum against ITservices majors

Which are the key technology growth areas for #IndependentSoftwareTesting?










Which are the most promising industry verticals?


#IndependentSoftwareTesting‬‬ will play major role in large application portfolios in BFSI,Life sciences,Utilities.

Which are the most promising industry verticals?


#IndependentSoftwareTesting‬‬ will play major role in large application portfolios in BFSI,Life sciences,Utilities.

The chat had a good traction and was very well received by audience. We look forward to host and participate in many such social media events in near future.

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